
Style and expertise

Champagne H.BLIN is a Champagne of Terroir, made to reflect its unique location and landscape. It’s made exclusively from the terroir of Vincelles and the passion of our vintners shines through in every bottle. This terroir is ideal for champagne from north to south, providing the perfect conditions for harmonious yet distinctive champagnes.

Cellarmaster Sébastien Barbier is a specialist in Meunier, honing and perfecting the house style on a daily basis. He maintains a fine balance of Purity, Freshness and Tension on one hand (we add very little sugar – between 2 and 7g – and restrict our use of other products to an absolute minimum), and Harmony, Fruit and Character on the other.

Our production methods support this constant search for quality, and every process is completed and monitored by our teams inside our winery. With a full ISO 22000 certification (awarded in 2017), our quality and traceability have now been officially recognised. We are also currently on track to meet ISO 14001 standards for environmental management.



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